Welding Training | Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG)

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Prices Quoted Exclude VAT

Course Type | Mechanical, Technical Skills

Certificate | Certificate of Attendance

Duration of Course | 5 Days

Location | On-site Only Course

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Prices Quoted Exclude VAT

Course Type | Mechanical, Technical Skills

Certificate | Certificate of Attendance

Duration of Course | 5 Days

Location | On-site Only Course

Prices Quoted Exclude VAT

Course Type | Mechanical, Technical Skills

Certificate | Certificate of Attendance

Duration of Course | 5 Days

Location | On-site Only Course

About Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding Training

The aim of the course is to enable delegates to produce welds in flat and horizontal/vertical positions to a standard, safely within a reasonable time frame. More able delegates will try out of position welding such as vertical up and overhead.

AWT Is It Right for Me

Is it right for me?

The courses can be tailored to suit novices or more experienced welders looking to upskill or recode as well as being engineered to meet the employers needs such as stainless steel and aluminium welding TIG welding.

AWT What Will I Learn

What will I learn?

The candidate will demonstrate their ability to:

  • Set up the welding equipment to include: changing/sharpening electrodes, changing gas, amperage selection, foot pedal use, slope in and slope out controls, current type selection and pulse settings.

  • Consumable selection such as electrodes, gas and filler wire types.

  • Health and safety relating to the welding processes.

  • Produce welds in the workshop to include: Beads on plate, T and lap fillet welds, butt welds and open corner welds on 2mm-5mm sheet/plate.

  • Welding theory to include: TIG, distortion control, weld symbols, gas cylinders, weld defects, weld testing and health and safety.

  • Make safe and effective repairs.

  • Operate within the HASAWA 1974

  • Use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to include safe use of welding masks/air fed masks.

AWT What are the Benefits

The benefits?

The course will consist of raising the delegates skill level by practical welding with lectures on:

  • Using the equipment safely and changing parts of the system.

  • Relevant parts of Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations (COSHH).

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

  • Basic welder maintenance.

  • Process applications.

Evaluation Method: Test pieces produced during the course and assessed by the trainer.

For more information on this course, please contact MCP on 0121 506 9030 or email training@mcpeurope.com